Look at this genius Liberal MP Cory Bernardi another expert on Islam, he states,
"... Islam as a totalitarian ideology has warned that Australians at odds with the "politically correct" orthodoxy are being forced to whisper their views for fear of being labelled racists.” Cory Bernardi has also demanded, “migrants observe Australian customs and core values,” urging the nation to reject a path of "isolation and separatism" by tolerating breaches of the nation's "social covenant" by newcomers... “Islam itself is the problem, it's not Muslims. Muslims are individuals that practise their faith in their own way, but Islam is a totalitarian, political and religious ideology....This has the effect of silencing people because they are afraid of being intimidated and ridiculed. In effect, they are reduced to whispering their views to others... Those who speak publicly, - normally these are people of a conservative or traditional viewpoint - are too often shouted down, mocked and derided simply for expressing a viewpoint that does not align with the prevailing PC orthodoxy,"
Now I could well write a thesis on his comments but I think I would bore you to death by repeating the same old counter arguments. However, I will touch on several points. On what evidence does he form the opinion that Islam is a “totalitarian ideology” ?
Is he aware Islam gave women rights well before the Europeans even considered women as human’s ? Women in Europe were men’s property up until a couple of hundred years or so ago.
He further demands, "migrants [should] observe Australian customs and core values," "urging the nation to reject a path of “isolation and separatism" by tolerating breaches of the nation's "social covenant" by newcomers.
Well I would like for him to tell me exactly what are Australia’s customs and core values? Getting pissed on Friday and Saturday nights beating the crap out of each other ? Gambling away the mortgage or rent payments and then coming home and flogging your wife ? or gathering at Cronulla Beach yelling out to all Lebanese to leave Australia then chasing down and beating Indian students thinking them to be Lebanese ?
Perhaps it’s football, meat pies, kangaroos and Holden cars ?
As with newcomers how new just off Ashmore Reef ? 10 years ago, 20 years ago? or 100 – 200 years ago ? The reason being with a surname like Bernardi I can see how he would have a claim in the Native Titles List in the High Court of Australia, him and his heritage wouldn’t be new to Australia at all.
No doubt, they arrived well before all those MUSLIM AFGHANI’s brought out here in the 1800’s with camels to open up the nation he must be talking about them and their families. That leads me onto “Social Covenant”
I want him to explain to me in detail what this “Social Covenant” is he is talking about ? Is it the fact that Western Australia has jailed more black people then the entire time the South African Government was under the Apartheid regime ? Does he want us to jail more Indigenous Australian’s ? Perhaps he means we take all their children away and raise them to be good white Australians ?
You see if this issue was not so serious, I could well laugh at Bernardi’s stupidity. I could well tell him to go back to the Capital of Paedophilia the Vatican. However, there are people in Australia who are even more stupid then Bernardi and actually believe what idiot’s like him say. This is what causes division in Australian society, marginalisation, disenfranchisement, and a siege mentality, them versus us.
Ultimately, it falls directly into the hands of the extremist Muslims and his speech becomes a poster for Al Qaeda types recruitment. Well done you idiot Bernardi. What angers me most of all is that people like Bernardi who have I.Q.’s somewhere between that of a rock and a flower, (at least a flower grows towards the sunlight) can not differentiate between POLITICS and RELIGION.
Just like that other famous idiot “Newt Gingrich” look at what he said,
Gingrich worries the USA will become a "secular atheist country... dominated by radical Islamists” Don’t believe me check out this web site :-
Those terrorists and criminals who happen to follow the Islamic faith killing innocent men women and children are hiding behind the veil of Islam, misinterpreting the Quran and fooling young impressionable Islamic minds in order to join their evil cause. They have Political Agenda’s NOT RELIGIOUS YOU IDIOT.
Now somebody is going to jump up and say those terrorists in London some of them were from well off families and they had University qualifications. To that argument I say, being marginalised makes people do all sorts of things. If we pretend that everybody is equal in our society, however the truth is that some people are more equal than others you will get those types of well-educated young people from middle class Islamic families joining the terrorists’ cause.
Why do you ask ? The answer is easy when a person named Abdullah keeps being ignored for a promotion and the person named John. Michael or Cory keeps jumping him, what happens ? Abdullah although he has studied, fit into society and then comes across the “Islamic Ceiling” he loses hope.
People without hope and nothing to lose are the most dangerous people, they don’t care if they live or die. What Bernardi and his ilk do is suck all the hope away from Islamic communities and their youth by calling them (implicitly) terrorists, or new comers.
Many thousands of Islamic people that live in Australia today were actually born here, many more thousands didn’t have a choice they were brought out here by their parents. Now it’s easy for Bernardi to suggest if you don’t like it here go back.
Well we could well say the same to him. How can those thousands of Islamic people that were born here or brought out as young children growing up in Australia go back ? They are not accepted in their countries of origin because of their Australian Heritage and they are not accepted here because of the likes of Bernardi because they don’t eat pork.
Bernardi and his ilk remind me of the proverbial “Highway Patrolman” everybody that’s driven long enough knows what I am talking about. The type that needs a Frontal Lobotomy in order to do the job. Drive around the same old streets day after day week after week, like last lap Louie, hiding in the bushes like cockroaches only to catch Mr and Mrs Average doing 10K’s over the speed limit. Then they walk over as if in Hitler’s SS and treat you like crap.
The Detectives have a term for them, “Jury F@#kers” because they tend to “F@#k up” their juries. That is one of the only times an average person has dealings with Police, it’s when they are either a victim of crime, witness, or being given a Traffic Ticket. That unpleasant treatment remains in the average person’s mind and then they get called up for jury duty. End result they already have a bias against police. Well Bernardi congratulations because you have effectively joined that esteemed group.
You see Australia is a country where Human Rights are mostly adhered to. Bernardi has the Freedom of Speech or he should have. Well I say the same I should also have the Freedom of Speech and call Bernardi a “Wanker of the First Order” due to his views.
However, Human Rights are only one side of the coin. Human Responsibilities the other. Most people like Bernardi harp on and nag about Human Rights and Freedom of Speech when it suits them, trying to take the high moral ground.
They never consider their responsibilities or my rights in not being called a “Wog” or “Terrorist” because of what faith I chose to follow. He will argue that he never called me such terms or would never use those terms, that he is not racist at all. However, what he is doing is dog whistling to all the raving racists out there and trying to fire them up. The likes of “Jack Van Tongren” and his ilk.
Australia is still a very tolerant country regardless of the underlying racism that the likes of Bernardi dog whistle to. We are far more tolerant than all those European Nations and the U.S.
However, letting types like Bernardi have a public platform only endangers all of us and our communities. The reason is simple, although there has not been an actual act of Islamic terrorism carried out in Australia, with the likes of Bernardi inciting hatred causing Mosques and Synagogues to be attacked, it is only a matter of time when a catastrophic act is carried out either by his intended white supremacist audience ala an Australian version Timothy James McVeigh or a more intelligent determined Muslim group. In either case, those that suffer will not be Bernardi hiding in his Ivory tower it will be innocents as per usual.
Consider that as food for thought.
Looks like Bernardi has achieved his goal all the racists and extremist Muslims are out in cyber space going for it WELL DONE BERNARDI YOU IDIOT.
Liberal MP says debate being stifled over 'racism' fears
- From: The Australian
- March 30, 2011

Liberal MP Cory Bernardi says national debate is being stifled as people fear being labelled racist. Picture: Brett Hartwig Source: The Daily Telegraph
THE Liberal senator widely attacked for describing Islam as a totalitarian ideology has warned that Australians at odds with the "politically correct" orthodoxy are being forced to whisper their views for fear of being labelled racists.
South Australian senator Cory Bernardi has also demanded migrants observe Australian customs and core values, urging the nation to reject a path of "isolation and separatism" by tolerating breaches of the nation's "social covenant" by newcomers. But the nation's first Muslim MP, Sydney's Ed Husic, has rejected the comments, saying no-one needs to whisper opinions that represent considered and thoughtful argument.
Last month Senator Bernardi said in a radio interview: "Islam itself is the problem, it's not Muslims. Muslims are individuals that practise their faith in their own way, but Islam is a totalitarian, political and religious ideology."
The comments provoked a storm of critics, with Julia Gillard accusing the Liberals of "race-baiting" and demanding Tony Abbott dump Senator Bernardi as his parliamentary secretary.
Yesterday Senator Bernardi launched an impassioned defence of his stance on his website in a blog titled "The Whisper Zone".
"Those who speak publicly, - normally these are people of a conservative or traditional viewpoint - are too often shouted down, mocked and derided simply for expressing a viewpoint that does not align with the prevailing PC orthodoxy," Senator Bernardi wrote.
"This has the effect of silencing people because they are afraid of being intimidated and ridiculed.
In effect, they are reduced to whispering their views to others." Mr Husic, who holds the seat of Chifley, said Australia was a democracy where people were free to express their views.
"But in doing so, we should also be mindful that what we say, where these views may not be based on fact, can cause hurt or marginalise," Mr Husic told The Australian Online.
"People in public life have to be especially conscious of this. "I'd respectfully suggest there's no need to whisper considered, thoughtful argument."
"If one's views aren't based on fact or are indifferent to others in a rush to make a headline, then perhaps keeping those views to oneself is the best course of action."
Senator Bernardi said he was not precious or thin-skinned, but noted that it seemed publicly acceptable for Labor MPs like Kevin Rudd and Chris Evans, as well as independent senator Nick Xenophon, to express concerns about particular groups, while he was shouted down for expressing his views.
"If the cost of raising legitimate community concerns, whether or not others actually agree with the question raised, leads to lies, smears, irrational accusations of racism and bigotry, then we really do have a problem with free speech in this country," he wrote.